Welcome to our wee store

While I figure out a more permanent solution...
Here is our local store.
Purchases at this moment will only be available for purchase in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


What: T-Shirt WTL  (The Way, The Truth, The Life)
Brand: Gildan Soft-Style
Fit: Uni-Sex, Relaxed
Color: Heather Gray
Cost: $30 CAD (E-Transfer or Cash)
How To Purchase: There is a contact form below.
Fill out your details (Name, Email)
For "email subject" enter "Purchase WTL Shirt"
For "your message", please indicate you would like a shirt and what size.
(Also, if you'd like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter select the box to confirm)

Current Availability:
XS: 2
S: 4
Medium: 6
Large: 4
X-Large: 2
2X-Large: 2

WTL T-Shirt Form

Message Sent!

Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 24 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!